NBG International SICAV / FCP FUNDS - Investor Update
Working Day Luxembourg:
Any business day in Luxembourg, when the banks are open to the public.
Valuation Day:
A Luxembourg working day.
Trading Day:
The Luxembourg business day proceeding the valuation day.
Net asset value: :
The Funds are valued daily and the Net Asset Value is calculated on each business day in Luxembourg (Valuation Day). The Net Asset Value for all Funds shall be determined on the basis of the latest available closing price (Trading Day) and published in the Greek and international press and in the web.
Applications Subscription, Redemptions, Conversions will be accepted daily in all the selling points of the National Bank of Greece.
Applications received until 12:00 p.m. (Greece) any trading day, shall be carried out on the net asset value, which is calculated on the next business day in Luxembourg (Valuation Day) based on the latest available closing price. Then a confirmation note is sent to shareholders indicating details of the transaction.
These web pages are a summary of the approved simplified Prospectus of the company and their goal is to give the investors an overview of NBG International Funds SICAV / FCP Funds. For detailed information, you should consult the Prospectus available free of charge at all branches of the National Bank of Greece.