NBG International Funds SICAV
NBG International Funds is a SICAV, based in Luxemburg and it is fully owned by National Bank of Greece.
NBG International Funds is an Open – End Investment Company, with a number of Sub-Funds available which offer a wide range of investments in stocks,
bonds and money market products, covering globally the biggest and the most important capital markets.
The structure of NBG International Funds is an Umbrella Fund, ensuring high flexibility in the creation of tailor made portfolios aiming to achieve
the investor's investment goals.
NBG International Funds SICAV is classified as UCITS IV Collective Investment based on the directive 2009/65 of the European Parliament and on
Luxembourg legislation, which allows for the marketing of the shares of its Sub Funds in all European countries.
19, Rue de Bitbourg, L-1273, Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Board of Directors
Mr. Yiannis Samios
Mr. Michail Tsagkarakis
Mr. Stylianos Savaidis