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Pursuant to the provisions of the N.4099/2012 Law and as referred in the Mutual Funds’ regulations managed by the Company, we inform you that the value of the Mutual Fund’s redeemed units paid to the unitholder within five (5) working days from the date of the redemption request.

The days that the redeemed shares of the Mutual Funds managed by the Company are credited, are shown in the following table:

The day of submission the redemption application The day on which the value is available
Monday Friday
Tuesday Monday
Wednesday Tuesday
Thursday Wednesday
Friday Thursday

The above apply if between days do not interpose holidays, except for Saturday and Sunday. If is/are interposed additional holiday/holidays between the day the units’ redemption request and the day on which the money should be available, the above specified date of money payment to the unitholder is postponed accordingly.

In the cases referred to above, information about credit dates of the Mutual Fund’s redeemed units, managed by the Company, will be posted on the website of NBG Asset Management MFMC.